Over the years the Hubbard College has trained thousands of people on the rules of successful selling, and one of the most essential lessons to learn is that SELLING IS A TECHNOLOGY. Selling at the highest levels is a highly accomplished skill based on four primary...
Sales Training
Millions of dollars are invested annually in sales workshops, seminars, training CDs, videos, books and sales management consulting. Visit your local bookstore or library and you will discover shelves of books on sales. Although most sales experts...
Professional Sales and Sales for life
Much has been written and taught about selling, yet despite the primarily good intentions of the people who teach it, the technology of selling is riddled with misconceptions and missing information. Traditionally, sales experts have taught that selling contains four...
The Two Primary Actions of Selling
A logical step in learning the subject of selling is to define the most important term: “SELLING, the act of assisting, inducing or being responsible for a person buying a product, service, property or idea.” — Modern Management Technology Defined Sell: A standard...
The Myth of Selling
There are many myths about selling, and one of the most common is that a salesperson is born with the ability to sell: “you either have it you don’t”. Without question, communication is the heart of life, and the key to success in all areas of it. But what isn’t well...
Success Using The Complete Guide to Successful Selling Book and Workbook
I purchased The Complete Guide to Successful Selling and I wanted to share some of my achievements in using the book. I found the points on building agreement and discovering interest amazingly simple and worth the time and effort to establish with a client. I...
Certainty Selling
Some sales trainers teach that “conviction” is the ground zero of successful selling, defining conviction as “a strong belief.” You may have heard the term “Conviction Selling” used before. Another term of similar meaning is “Certainty Selling.” The definition of...
Sales Manager Training Success
Watching the sales team, spotting where they did well and being very aware of the sales process, even a 30-year veteran salesman who is now raving that it’s the best job he’s ever had! He’s reading the book at night and applying it to improve his sales. We would have...
Training Success
The following is a success story from a sales professional while on a course based on The Complete Guide to Successful Selling book, along with the companion Complete Guide to Successful Selling Workbook. This program covers the precise technology vital to...
A Mother’s Perspective
When my children were small, they all were tested as being extremely bright. I wanted to give them the best education and enrolled them in private school. My oldest son, John, did well in school initially, but over the years I noticed a deterioration in his grades and...